Goa Weather in March
Tempreture varies from 26 to 36 C in March

The search for the perfect beach destination in India leads to Goa. The small state located on the west coast of India is one of the most popular tourist destinations

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Bullfights Goa

Bullfights are part of an interesting tradition that can be observed in many of the villages in Goa. The bullfights in Goa are different from those in Spain. There is no "bullfighter"; it is merely two bulls fighting each other.

The bulls are specially trained to prepare them for such fights. The atmosphere is charged up with anticipation and betting often takes place. The bullfights at Goa are a great method for entertainment. Bloodshed is not uncommon but usually the bulls do not suffer any major injuries. Though it may seem like a simple rural entertainment, yet the amount of effort that goes into rearing up a fighter bull is huge.

The master of the bull takes real good care of him. There is a special diet that includes large quantities of vitamins and minerals. Everything about the rearing is hushed up. On the morning of the fight, bets pile up from either side. In Konkani these Goan bullfights are called "dhirio". Advertisements come out in the local paper, about the impending fight. When the bullfighting season opens, some dignitary (Chief Minister of Goa or consulate general) is invited to attend the fight.

The fight usually takes place in old rice fields, in the outskirts of the village. There are no fences to limit the bulls. When however, the fight is presided by an important dignitary then bamboo fences are constructed, with some reluctance!

Another interesting aspect of these bullfights is the names of the bulls. There are names like Mad Max, Alibaba, Brazil and Krishna. In the morning, before the fight is about to begin a festive ambiance is built. There is music and colorful banners that advertise the fight. At times one of the contestant bulls, arrayed in red sash is driven through the streets. This further charges the cantankerous mood of the bull. The purpose is to spice up the fight later on.

Betting is common in such games. Often large sums are involved. Small scuffles and commotions are quite common during the bull fights, especially if there is an unexpected defeat. The referee is sometimes targeted by the losers or even if the bulls refuse to fight, though the authorities make sure that things do not go out of control.