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Tempreture varies from 26 to 36 C in March

The search for the perfect beach destination in India leads to Goa. The small state located on the west coast of India is one of the most popular tourist destinations

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Mapusa Friday Market Goa


Mapusa is a quite little town in Goa that does not offer much in terms of sightseeing attractions. But the charm of the town is the weekly Mapusa Friday Market that attracts tourist by scores. The best part about shopping in Goa is the local markets set up by small time traders who sell just about everything imaginable, ranging from spices and clothes to furniture. The Mapusa Friday Market, Goa is also one of the most popular markets in the state.

The Mapusa Friday Market in Goa is situated right outside the Mapusa Municipal market. Every Friday, this part of the town suddenly wakes up from its sleepy slumber and turns into a thriving commercial hub. The market attracts both traders as well as potential buyers from all parts of the town and outside. The traders set their camps and stalls on the street. You can just wander through the alleys and walking area to observe the different things that are available in the market. The general feeling of high spirits and enthusiasm encompasses the entire area turning it into a major tourist attraction.

Mapusa Friday Market - merchandise

While wandering through the market, you will come across many interesting items such as:

  • Fresh Fish
  • Dried Fish
  • Varied Range of Vegetables
  • Different Kinds of Fruits (Jack Fruit, Mangoes, Bananas etc)
  • Preservatives and Pickles
  • Spices
  • Coir Mats
  • Earthen Pots
  • T-Shirts
  • Goan ' Chouricos ' (Sausages)
  • Furniture


There are also a number of sari shops, goldsmith, tailors, and other service providing traders who sit at the Mapusa Friday Market. The small trinkets, earthen pots and coir mats are useful for daily use in homes. Furniture items are also quite popular among customers at the market. Most people who live locally around the town visit the Mapusa Friday Market to purchase their necessary supply of goods for consumption and usage for the entire week at one go.