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Tempreture varies from 26 to 36 C in March

The search for the perfect beach destination in India leads to Goa. The small state located on the west coast of India is one of the most popular tourist destinations

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Shantadurga Prasanna

The population of Goa consists of a majority of Hindus. People belonging to other religions like Christianity and Islam reside harmoniously and peacefully with each other. There are a number of Hindu temples in Goa that attract many pilgrims and visitors from all over the state and outside. The temple of Shantadurga Prasanna is one of the most well known and popular temples located in the state. The festivals of this temple are among the well known festivals of Goa.

History of Shantadurga Prasanna
The temple of Shantadurga Prasanna is the abode of the statue of Goddess Shantadurga Prasanna. The original temple had been built many centuries ago. But it was eventually destroyed by the Portuguese in the year 1564. The temple was subsequently rebuilt during the period when the Maratha ruler Shahu Maharaj was ruling the state.

Location of Shantadurga Prasanna, Goa
The Shantadurga Prasanna temple is located around 33 kilometers away from the main city of Panjim. It is situated at the Kavelem foothills in Ponda.

Goddess Shantadurga
The people of Goa believe that Goddess Shantadurga is a form of Goddess Parvati. It is said that once Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu got into a fierce battle with each other. When the matter seemed to get out of control, Lord Brahma requested goddess Parvati to settle the matters between the two powerful lords. For this reason, Goddess Parvati took the form of Shantadurga and acted as a mediator between Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.

The statue of Shantadurga bears witness to this act as she can be seen standing with two serpents in both her hands representing the two gods. To mark their respect to Goddess Shantadurga, the people of Goa worship her on five Panchami days. The Nagpanchami and Vasant Panchami are some of the most popular festivals that are celebrated in this regard. The puja (prayers) during these festivals are conducted by the Brahmins as a customary act.